what a decade it was!

What a decade it was! Yes, was. I know we have more or less a fortnight before we usher in 2010 but things happen to me in light years so two weeks is well actually a wink, and perhaps a nod. It's virtually over for me even before I finish writing this. So maybe I should rethink the title for this post as it connotes something fantabulous had happened, like "what a party it was, if only people did not mistake me for a wallflower! " or "thank God for the Jonas Brothers that skinny jeans for men happened!". Or maybe not. But first, let me take my pink pill before I start pulling on my hair - I always do that when I get a trifle indecisive. Anyway, here are some things that happened (or I made happen, I have no clue) to me "in the decade that was". You be the judge whether they are to be considered majors, ie signposts of life that should be included in my would-be memoir, or not. But don't give me that I've-done-that-twice-over-is-that-all attitude! Or I'm gonna have to take the purple pill - and purple is never my color!
  1. I went south for the first time, and I don't mean geographically.
  2. I went to ukay-ukay several times and at one time downplayed the value of an LV bag with the tindera - I almost suffered a nervous breakdown keeping my emotions in check. And to my mind and yaya's, I can do a better Jaclyn Jose indifference than Jaclyn Jose.
  3. I bought every issue of Vogue and Cosmo, and followed all the fashion dos and donts albeit 10 months late. Don't look at me funny, Booksale does not sell current mags.
  4. I cuckoled a foreigner boytoy who's a Rafa Nadal dead ringer, ass included, because I don't settle for the next best thing for long, especially when the wives get in the mix.
  5. I returned to writing poetry and realized you just can't shake pure unadulterated talent like feathered bangs. The words just tumble out my fingers and I seem to just continue from where I stopped in grade school. I am so excited I'll post some on here! Like right now, a title has just formed and it's "Untitled" (but I might change it to something more profound).
  6. I've made the effort to become less soshal and maarte about many things. Like I now enjoy 3-in-1 anything - coffee+sugar+cream, shampoo+gupit+kulot, you name it!
  7. I've contributed to environmental protection by planting lots of Chinese bamboo in our backyard. I love them dearly but they puzzle me. Like how on earth do you make bahay kubo or even a parol out of them? Hmmm I'll check out my neighbor's 75-volumed, mold colony Funk and Wagnalls encyclopedia later to find out. Ooops, there goes the secret behind my amazing brains HaHaHa
  8. For the second time in my life, I walked out on a movie screening. It was One True Love with Marian and DingDong. Don't get me wrong, I like Marian but the movie was a 1 and 1/2-hour blonde moment.
  9. I got myself into social networking finally. I spend hours playing Mafia Wars although I'm a bit confused by it. I mean how can you network with dead people? Aren't they suppose to like you and how can they like you and if just erased them virtually.
  10. I have become a Glee fanatic as they are so out there in terms of social relevance. It's high time they show men as sensitive animals, the way I like them, and not the archetypal shoot-em dead sort. Music over football - now how real-life is that?
And oh, this might help you benchmark your life in the decade that was Rolling Stone's 100 Best Songs of the Decade.


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