I'm a big fan of the original Korean production of Full House (2004) which starred the pixie-ish, cute-as-an-aratilis Song Hye-kyo and (down go my jaw and something slinky and pink) Rain. That had to be said so you would understand my misgivings when I learned that the Kapuso network was planning to do a local version of the hit show. I so love the original that I strongly felt possessive of it. Like how Ate Shawie is when it comes to Dear Heart even if the name Sarah Geronimo is mentioned in the same breath. But anyway, since I'm just a mere pop vulturess, albeit traffic-stopping and divaesque, whose powers is limited to the remote, I have no say.
The tidbits from the rumor mill and those off the pressers for the show left me in a state of trepidation every time. Richard as Justin? So no way! Keempee as the manager? Why make the character gay? Sweet as a nosy, vengeful reporter? Where did that character come from? Heart as Jessie? Hmmm...well at least she's got the chinita eyes and the height. But alas, I had no choice but to wait. And wait I did, but always ready for a throwdown if the show turned out wanting. But there was to be no drama from my part.
The slight changes the people behind the Pinoy Full House have made thus far I find acceptable, and sometimes even perfect. Like Sweet's character delights me specially when he eats the camera and all the 'extras' around him. And with the Lolit Solis-inspired look, he's the perfect karmic target all the time. And then there's Chariz Solomon who, not surprisingly, is also a riot. Her deadpan acting and those deliciously wicked punchlines more than deliver. As to the rest of the 'new' characters, including the cuddly mutt, well...at least they don't make me pull on my hair while singing "Why, God, why?!" (Yes, from Miss Saigon! How could you've forgotten already?).
The location is exquisite considering the difficulty it must have been to replicate the gorgeous setting of the original. And as of this rambling, the show has the flow of the original story down pat despite the little tweakings here and there, and understandably so, for that Filipino zing

Now on to the other hearts (pun intended) of the matter. First off, Heart Evangelista (left). What can I say about her other than she has been flooring me every time I'm hunched over my pink 12-incher of a TV flopped on my bed still wearing my killer heels (I'm never good at scurrying home from my day job) during weeknights since day 1 of the show. Although she's got all the adorable qualities of Song Hye-kyo a copycat she is definitely so not as she always manages to be a fresh version. Simply put, she has made the character all her own by making her "Jessie" neither exactly different nor exactly the same. And that's a hard thing to do. I mean, in doing adaptations of this sort, tv show to tv show, it's either the actor pales in comparison with the original or s/he doesn't understand the character at all. And in my not-so-humble opinion, that's a testament to Ms Evangelita's talent as an actress which unfortunately is often overshadowed by talks about her personal affairs.

Isabel Oli as Elaine is dependable - she reeks of the zazz that the role requires thanks largely to her mouthwatering ensembles (kudos to the prod design team) - although her portrayal, and I don't know who's to blame, sometimes comes across as more contravida than the original. On the other hand, Patrick Garcia lacks the sense of maturity (it must be that youthful charm of his) required by his character but that said, he's sttll an A-okay actor. Oh but I do wish he'd enunciate his lines better as the show progresses. And then we come to Ricgard Gutierrez (right). During the first few weeks of the show, Richard as Justine lacked the arrogance or the dating of Rain. He was also not as maporma and in want for the Korean superstar's childlike charm. Some say it's his heft but I think it's not that (and besides, I like them big anyway). I think he's simply unsure of how to attack his role given that he's a world away from Rain both physically and aura-wise. But but BUT to my pleasant surprise, I do declare, here and now, that Mr Gutierrez is finally hitting his strides. He apparrently has this substantial comical side that is a revelation to me. And not to mention the glimpses of sensitivity that he displays when certain situations in the story call for it. Now I'm so looking forward to his would-be performance when the time for high dramatics towards the conclusion of the story comes. And if you're reading this Mr Gutierrez, puleez do not disappoint for I'm afraid I'm becoming a fan now!