thank god for simple joys!

For if not for them, I'm done being dramatic! Papunta na sa tragic! But I guess God loves me in His own special way that time and again he reminds me that la vie est belle! Here's a rundown of some things that never fail to draw a smile on my face.
  1. Little boys, and I mean real little boys,  that play scenes from Darna as Darna - a sign that homophobia is about to be sooo yesterday.
  2. A queueless ATM machine on payday Friday - it means I get paid higher than most and should stop complaining about working my ass off.  I'm introspective like that.
  3. A man who opens the door for me - I'm all for women empowerment and gender equality but I have a soft spot for men who act like men.
  4. TV commercials that actually make sense - the Marica toyoserye of Datu Puti, the Bulilit series of Camella and the ads of Pepsi and RC Cola top my list although I'm sure I have overlooked some. And bring back the Bench underwear commercials puleez!
  5. Political ads that evidently suggest that a degree of creativity was put into them - Gibo Teodoro's top my list as well as Bong Revilla's "Christmas greeting".
  6. Speedy downloading means I'm getting what my ISP touts that they provide. The hell with who's faster than who, my happiness is what counts!
  7. Men and women with overdone face powder, at least an effort to self-beautify. How they look like is another thing and besides this is about simple joys and not pains.
  8. Taxi drivers that know when to zip it.
  9. Moon- and starlit nights - they keep me grounded as I realize that I'm not the only natural wonder who can stop men in their tracks. I mean too much of anything can be annoying.
  10. Nibbly things like the one above. And oh, vamos Rafa!


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